Dean Crossfit is equipped with 3000sqft of indoor space. Our indoor offers two separate workout rooms. We offer member storage while on site, 2 bathrooms and 2 showers. We are located at the intersection of Grand Ave and Dean Street at the crossroads of Prospect Heights, Crown Heights, Clinton Hill and Bedstuy.
*Note: showers are not in operation due to Covid

What type of aerobic and explosive training equipment do you have?
1 Concept Ski Erg
14 Concept Rowing Ergs
6 Climbing Ropes
6 Assault Bikes
Fairfax Muay Thai Kicking-Bag
Custom-sized Jump Ropes
4 Sleds
9 Rogue Box
4 Rogue Soft Boxes
Rogue Resistance Bands
Peg Boards
Do you have strength equipment?
(multiple) 5-100lbs. Hex Dumbbells
(multiple) 10 kilos-75 kilos Kettlebells
ROGUE Peg Boards
(6) 20ft Ropes
Medicine Balls
Slam Balls 10-35lbs
5-55lbs Bumper Plates
ROGUE Olympic Plates
(multiple) Barbells 15-45lbs
150lbs ROGUE heavy sand bag
50lbs sand bag
Does your gym have ventilation?
75ft garage doors
10ft Big Ass Fan
2 Warehouse Fan