VISION:  Reconceptualize the strength of children in body, mind, and spirit through integrated learning and wellness practices. 


“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
–Fredrick Douglas

MISSION: To develop inclusive community spaces while fostering interconnectedness of multidimensional functional conditioning domains (i.e. fitness and learning)  through engaging youth in multimodal experiences designed to nurture transferable wellness and learning life skills.

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
~ Andrew Carnegie



    Weekly teacher professional development is rarely applicable or helpful to PE teachers. This is an opportunity to provide relevant and exciting new fitness training techniques to PE teachers based on the principles of CrossFit. Teachers will be able to use this curriculum in the weight room or classroom based calisthenics or with students at our CrossFit facilities.

    The cost includes the semester-long curriculum and 10 hours of professional development to train PE teachers.

    10 hour long professional development sessions on Teen CrossFit Level 1 with you PE teachers during weekly required professional development time


    Space Rental

    Many schools in NYC do not have adequate PE spaces to provide required physical activities for students. Dean CrossFit is located in the heart of Park Slope and easily accessible to many Brooklyn locations. Schools can rent the space per semester to conduct required PE classes, or after school supplemental physical activity. Schools can provide their own instructor, or Dean CrossFit can provide a coach while a school personnel is on site.


    Equipment Purchase and Weightroom/Exercise Facility Maintenance

    Interested in upgrading your weight room or getting supplies to turn a classroom into a fitness room, but can’t get durable, high quality, or specialty supplies from ShopDOE or traditional contracted vendors? Dean CrossFit can help. We can order your equipment for you, and you can pay with a Purchase Order.

    Weightroom/Exercise Facility

    You had the grant to build a beautiful staff weightroom/exercise facility, but don’t have a way to maintain it? We can fix, replace or upgrade weight room equipment.

    Cost: Dependent on length of maintenance contract and cost of equipment needed

Engaging Youth in Integrative Learning: CrossFit & Math 

What we have created: We have defined movement standards through CrossFit principles and infused mathmatic problem-solving skill throughout the workout series.

  • Cardiovascular Respiratory Endurance

  • Stamina

  • Flexibility 

  • Strength

  • Speed

  • Power

  • Balance

  • Coordination 

  • Accuracy 

  • Agility 

Positive Changes In Brain Function Exercise can help provide sharper memory and thinking.

The same endorphins that make you feel better also help you concentrate and feel mentally sharp for tasks at hand. Exercise also stimulates the growth of new brain cells and helps prevent age-related decline.

Numbers  Sense and Operations 

  1. Patterns

  2. Representation

  3. Spatial Sense

  4. Fractions, Decimals, Percents

  5. Measurement

  6. Geometry 

  7. Data Analysis and Statistics

  8. Algebra 

  9. Word Problems 

Cognitive learning is an active style of learning that focuses on helping you learn how to maximize your brain's potential. It makes it easier for you to connect new information with existing ideas hence deepening your memory and retention capacity.

Critical Thinking 

  1. Problem Solving

  2. Analytical Thinking 

  3. Quantitative Reasoning

  4. Communication 

  5. Time management